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Vetrina’s 3-Step Guide to Mastering Cannabis Retail Forecasting

cannabis retail sales Jan 14, 2024

Accurate forecasting is essential for cannabis retailers to thrive. It empowers you to make smart decisions, optimize inventory management, spot trends, and plan for the future. In this guide, we'll walk you through Vetrina's simple 4-step process to set up a retail forecast designed to simplify the process.

Why Retail Forecasting Matters

Retail forecasting is a cornerstone of effective dispensary planning. It enables you to anticipate demand, allocate resources wisely, and make proactive choices to optimize your operations. By gaining a deep understanding of your market, customers, and competitors, you can accurately predict future sales and optimize your inventory levels to match.

Step 1: Setting Your Annual Revenue Goals

Annual revenue goals are your dispensary's financial compass. They provide direction, focus, and a measurable target to work towards. Without them, assessing performance and making adjustments becomes challenging.

The Role of Revenue 

Revenue is the fuel that powers your dispensary. It informs strategies, decisions, and ultimately, success. Integrating revenue goals into your business plan ensures long-term sustainability and helps you:

Determine Scale: Understand the size and scope of your operations.

Allocate Resources: Make informed decisions about investments.

Evaluate Financial Health: Assess your dispensary's performance and identify areas for improvement.


Why Clear Revenue Goals Matter 

A well-defined revenue goal is more than a high-level number. It offers numerous benefits for your dispensary:

Focus: It aligns efforts and resources toward a specific financial target.

Motivation: It inspires and unites your team around a common purpose.

Measurement: Enables progress tracking, identifying areas for improvement, and celebrating milestones.

Market Understanding: The process of setting revenue goals encourages deeper analysis of market trends, competitive forces, and customer preferences, uncovering hidden opportunities and threats.

Investor Appeal: A robust revenue plan demonstrates strategic thinking and a clear path to profitability, making your dispensary more attractive to potential investors.

Crafting Your Annual Revenue

Setting an effective annual revenue goal requires careful analysis and a balance between ambition and realism. Here's a streamlined approach:

Assess: Evaluate your dispensary's current financial state, growth projections, market dynamics, industry benchmarks, competitive landscape, and any planned changes (e.g., new product launches).

Forecast: Leverage historical sales data, financial statements, market research, and financial modeling tools to project revenue accurately. Consider seeking expert advice if needed.

Integrate: Embed your revenue goal into your business plan, ensuring it aligns with your overall mission and strategic objectives.

Adapt: Regularly track your progress, adapt your strategies, and adjust your goal as needed based on market conditions and performance.

Making Your Revenue Goal Actionable

Once you've set a revenue goal, it's time to put it into action. Integrating your revenue goal into your dispensary ensures that every decision, strategy, and action you take aligns with your financial benchmarks.

Here's how to make your revenue goal an actionable part of your dispensary:

  1. Break it Down: Divide your annual revenue goal into smaller milestones or quarterly targets. This allows for more effective progress tracking and enables you to adjust your course as needed.
  2. Align with Objectives: Ensure your revenue goal aligns seamlessly with your overall business objectives. Does it support your mission, vision, and strategic goals?
  3. Resource Assessment: Assess the resources, capabilities, and strategies required to achieve your revenue goal. Are they consistent with your broader plan?
  4. Strategic Adjustments: Your revenue goal may necessitate adjustments to your existing marketing, sales, product development, or operational strategies. Consider optimizing pricing structure, targeting new customer segments, or introducing innovative products to support your revenue target.
  5. Transparent Communication: Ensure your team members are aware of revenue goals and understand how their roles contribute to achieving it. Foster a culture of collaboration and transparency to mobilize your team towards a shared vision of success.

Pro Tip: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify internal and external factors that could impact your ability to reach your revenue goal. This helps you proactively address challenges and leverage strengths to drive revenue growth.

By making your revenue goal an integral part of your running your dispensary, ensures that it's not just a number on a page, but a driving force behind every decision and action you take. A well-integrated revenue goal is a dynamic tool that can be adapted and refined as your business evolves.

Step 2: Measure Your Progress with Consistent Timeframes

Accurate comparisons rely on consistent data lengths. To unlock meaningful insights, we recommend using weeks as your unit of measurement, clustered into 4-week "sprints."

Why Weeks, Not Months?

Consistency is the backbone of reliable data analysis. When data lengths vary, comparing them becomes a challenging task. Inconsistent data lengths can lead to skewed results and misinterpretations, leaving your analysis ineffective. We use weeks because they provide a more consistent data length.

Weeks offer several advantages over months:

  • Consistency: Weeks always contain 7 days, unlike months with varying lengths. This ensures equal time units for reliable comparisons.
  • Precision: Weeks allow for more granular analysis, especially for short-term trends and cyclical patterns.
  • Versatility: Weeks are standardized across industries, making it easier to compare data from various sources.

By measuring weeks over months, you create a reliable baseline, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies. This allows for accurate comparisons between different timeframes, enabling you to make data-driven decisions confidently.

Boosting Agility with 4-Week Sprints

Breaking the year into 4-week sprints provides a structured rhythm for managing and analyzing data in your dispensary’s operations. It gives you better insight into performance:

Balanced Timeframe: This aligns well with natural work cycles, allowing for efficient tracking and evaluation of progress.

Regular Reviews: The shorter timeframe enables more frequent performance reviews and agile adjustments. By breaking the year into these manageable chunks, teams can focus on specific goals and deliverables, ensuring that progress is made consistently.

Financial Alignment: 4-week sprints often align with payroll periods, simplifying financial reporting.

Performance Measurement: 4-week sprints provide a balanced timeframe for setting goals and evaluating performance. This sweet spot between short-term and long-term analysis allows you to capture meaningful data while staying agile enough to adapt to emerging trends.

13-Period Structure: Using 4-week sprints results in 13 periods per year, rather than the traditional 12 months. Though unconventional, it often aligns with payroll cycles and provides more frequent opportunities for evaluation, course correction, and accurate financial reporting.


Implementing Measurable Timeframes

Implementing a more responsive and data-driven planning cycle can be simple. Let's translate the benefits of 4-week sprints into tangible actions for your dispensary.

To implement this approach:

  1. Evaluate: Determine the frequency of data analysis needed to support your dispensary's decision-making.
  2. Choose: Select weeks as your unit of measurement for consistent data lengths.
  3. Divide: Break the year into 13 four-week sprints, clearly defining start and end dates.
  4. Educate: Ensure your team understands the importance of consistent data lengths and the benefits of using sprints.
  5. Implement Systems: Establish a robust data collection and analysis system to support the new timeframes.
  6. Review: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your chosen timeframes and make adjustments as needed.

By breaking the year into measurable timeframes and aligning them with your dispensary's rhythms, you'll unlock deeper insights and make more informed decisions.

Step 3: Project Your Average Customer Spend

Armed with your revenue goal and 4-week sprints, you now need to set the benchmark for the average per customer you think you will hit. 

Your average per customer (APC) is a critical metric that reveals how much each customer contributes to your revenue. To project your APC, you'll need to consider a few key factors:

Product Quantity: The more items customers buy per transaction, the higher your APC will be.

Price Points: Premium products will naturally increase your APC compared to lower-priced products

Market Benchmarks: In the cannabis industry, the average per customer in North America typically ranges between $38 and $87. Dial into your specific to find a healthy benchmark to compare. 

Predicting Your Average Per Customer

Understanding the nuances of predicting your average per customer can be crucial for making informed decisions that drive your business forward.

To accurately predict your APC, consider:

Customer Behavior: Analyze purchasing patterns, preferences, and demographics of your target market.

Historical Data: Identify trends in past sales and customer interactions.

Market Conditions: Factor in seasonal trends, economic factors, and competitor pricing.

Product Mix: Evaluate the price points and perceived value of your product offerings.

To ensure accurate predictions of your average per customer (APC), utilize a variety of tools and resources.

Vetrina's forecasting features can help analyze historical data and generate projections tailored to your specific product mix and market trends. Advanced analytics tools can uncover patterns and trends in customer behavior that inform your predictions. Combining these approaches will empower you to make informed decisions and optimize your revenue potential.

By understanding your average per customer and the factors that influence it, you can make informed decisions to optimize your pricing strategy, product mix, and marketing efforts. A well-predicted APC empowers you to set realistic benchmarks, guide your team, and drive sustainable growth for your dispensary.


Now armed with the knowledge and strategies to forecast your revenue, set goals, consider costs, and adjust projections, you're better equipped to navigate the financial landscape of your dispensary. 

Revenue projections are not set in stone but are a dynamic tool that assists you in making informed decisions. Embrace the process, stay adaptable, and watch your revenue soar!


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